
We provide Expert Advisory Services in the areas of Corporate Finance, Corporate and Business Development next to a series of bespoke execution assignments

Hands-on Experience

Our principles are all seasoned professionals with an investment banking, investment management or entrepreneurial background across a variety of industries and disciplines

We pride ourselves that all our Principles take a hands-on approach to our assignments. 

Contact us at info@emblapartners.com  for an introductory call to understand your roadmap to value creation. 

Our assignments and associated fees can be tailored to your particular circumstances and can be daily allowances (times and material), monthly fixed allowances or equity-incentivized, and be tailored in mutual consent based on  success based variable allowances.

Our Services

Corporate Finance

We help you document your finance needs and help you find capital in the broadest sense of the word :  Equity, Mezzanine, Debt

We typically start by understanding the value drivers of your B-plan. This could mean redrafting your B-plan and agree on value drivers or eventually work towards an organic or external growth story through mergers or acquisitions.    We also provide CFO positions or support by means of our own captive investment fund.

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Strategy Advice

We help you to understand the strategic environment in which your business moves and come up with a direction to take advantage of that environment

We act as a critical sounding board and facilitator to your own management team or re-enforce your management team to enable a common and well considered  strategic direction.   

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Business Development

We assist you in growing your business by adding or re-orientating business lines to an existing or greenfield business

We typically start by understanding the customer  value propostion an existing business, business line or product may have and how this can be improved to add more value in a new or existing market.   We help to bridge the gap to your own business development, sales and marketing teams and align the road-to-market.

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Growth management for Start-ups

We help you to discover growth opportunities, compile or reennergise holistic management teams, set growth KPIs, document them and implement them

This could mean redrafting your channels-to-market, B-plan and agree on value drivers or eventually works towards an organic or external growth story through mergers or acquisitions.   

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Board assignments

We take active board mandates in public and private companies

Trust and independence are  the key elements that need to be in place

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Executive coaching assignments

We are qualified executive coaches on all aspects of running a company

Trust and independence are our landmarks

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Corporate Development

We help you in aligning your competitive environnement with your corporate structure to position your company ideal for the future

We typically start with an indepth understanding of the particular challenges in your industry, ecosystem and your specific business.  We subsequently map those to an anticipated  future and work with you to cope with the future challenges to take your business to the next level.

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Investor readiness

We help you to take your business towards investment readiness, so that you are ideally positioned to attract funds from national and international investment funds

We typically help you in carving out the investment opportunity so that investment professionals can easily understand the investment theme and opportunity.  We also help you define KPIs and value drivers to track progress.  In We can also go one level up and assist you in temporarily join in execution

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Turnaround Management

We assist you in determing a path to a sustainable re-orientation of your business. We also assist in the day-to-day execution. 

We typically start by understanding the environment of the business and the ecosystem in which it operates.  We benchmarkt this internationally and across the value chain of the industry.    Turnaround opportunities can be high risk high reward so we rely on the EMBLA approach to meet those challenges.

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Growth management for Scale-ups

We help you document your finance needs and help you find capital in the broadest sense of the word :  Equity, Mezzanine, Debt

We typically start by understanding the value drivers of your B-plan. This could mean redrafting your B-plan and agree on value drivers or eventually works towards an organic or external growth story through mergers or acquisitions.   

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Advisory Board assignments

We act as a critical sounding board for short and long term advisory board assignments as well as active engagements with management

We start by providing a framework enabling a  best practise advisory board with your challenged targets as the main    goal

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Executive mentoring programs

Our senior team assists management teams in areas where they lack the routine or have less experience

We provide a hands-on framework based on our own experiences or experiences we take form our network

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